Thursday, May 30, 2013


Think I might have blown my interview with Smithfield foods. I haven't gotten a call for a walk-through yet. I ask someone who already had their walk-through how long it was from the interview till the walk-through, they said they were told at the interview that they were to go next week. I asked another friend if they got a date for their walk-though yet, but I haven't heard from them yet. Hopefully they will call me sometime next week to let me know when I go for my walkthrough. I hope and prey that they call because if they don't I will be seriously going into the air force come september. I will make that happen. I want to be able to pay my loans off and have a better life then the one that I have now. I want to have money to be able to get what I want when I want it.

So GOD/JESUS  please help me get this job. I also want to take on some bills so that I can help my mom and grandma.

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