Thursday, October 30, 2014

Diko's Fanfiction: New Beginings

Diko's Fanfiction: New Beginings: I can't find anything about how to make this black on white instead of red on black for just one post so I'm sorry if this hurts th...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Gay Marriage

Something accord to me this morning while watching a video on a man who's lover died, and that man's family wouldn't let him come to the funneral. I just have to say that is wrong on so many levels. I just have to ask you this:

Did you pick out your child's eye color?
Did you pick out your child's hair color?
What makes you think your child picked out their sexual oriantation?

These are just the questions that I want to know from all of those who don't approve of it. Relegion is something that people use when they don't like something. In religion doesn't it say love thy neighbor, love thy children, and love thy self. To me it looks like you only believe in the parts of your religion that you want to abid by. If you want your great and holy savor/god to welcome you what make you think he wouldn't count you not supporting your children against you?

I want everyone to be with the one they love. To have the right to get information from lawyers, doctors, or nurses when something is wrong. I don't see what the problem is with gay marriage legal. It's not like straight marriage has a upstanding record. Look at some celeberties who are only married for a couple of day, some times no longer than a year. What does that say about that? Why don't they do a test study since that's the only way they seem to want to be shone things. Have some gay people get married and see what the ratio is for divocied gays and divorced straight people.


Thursday, May 30, 2013


Think I might have blown my interview with Smithfield foods. I haven't gotten a call for a walk-through yet. I ask someone who already had their walk-through how long it was from the interview till the walk-through, they said they were told at the interview that they were to go next week. I asked another friend if they got a date for their walk-though yet, but I haven't heard from them yet. Hopefully they will call me sometime next week to let me know when I go for my walkthrough. I hope and prey that they call because if they don't I will be seriously going into the air force come september. I will make that happen. I want to be able to pay my loans off and have a better life then the one that I have now. I want to have money to be able to get what I want when I want it.

So GOD/JESUS  please help me get this job. I also want to take on some bills so that I can help my mom and grandma.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Weight day

Weighted myself today and I weight 161.4 yes baby. I have went down. I also have new dimensions. 40, 36, 41 and I am loving it. I seem to stay close to one weight, but I am losing my waist line.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cambogia Garcinia

Started my Garcinia Cambogia today. Can't wait to start seeing the pounds shed off. I hope I can get down to 155 by the end of the month. I'm 161.8 right now, so only 6 more pounds to go. Here we go!