Thursday, March 28, 2013

First day @ the Gym

I'm going to get my mind on straight because it just hit me that if I don't I will not be ready when I go to the recruiters office. I am trying to get down to 155 first so that I can qualify and then loose the extra 5 pounds so I will meet their goal. I plan on at least being between 130-140 when I leave for basic training. I want to be able to leave between September-November.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Care Free Curl Products

 Two stand twist rolled up on perm rods
I used Care Free Curl Snap Back, and  Care Free Curl Gold Instant Activator in that order on Wednesday. My hair is so soft to the touch. I have not moisturized my hair since, because it is still moisturized. I use a lot of product on my hair. I am a heavy handed person. So the amount I used  may be too much for you. It has been three days and my hair has no tangles. I just keep sliding my fingers right through with no stops. I will continue to use this until I see if the effects change.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hair update

I have been natural for 1 year now. I am still learning about what works for my hair. I am going to start using activator on my hair. I'm not sure if it will be the gel or the moisturizer. I prefer the moisturizer because I have a lot of eco styler gel left. My regimen now is African pride Shea Butter Miracle Bouncy Curls Pudding, and a mixture of coconut oil, castor oil, vitamin e, and olive oil. This oil is a mixture of thick and light. I find that it works a lot better on my hair as a mixture than one separate item. When it comes to washing my hair, I only do that about once a week. I co-wash my hair once a week, but I shampoo my hair twice a month just to keep my scape itch-free and clean from all the product build up.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

weight loss update

Up early today and already have my exercise out of the way. YAY I feel good and sore. 1/2 inch into my goal. Started Insanity Monday, was to sore yesterday couldn't do anything. So I will be doing this every other day so as not to tire out to soon.